Saturday, January 21, 2012


I have not been the best at working out as of late. I have just needed something to get me jump started again and wasn't finding that push in motivation. Then last week while reading the Salt Lake Community Education pamphlet I could not believe my eyes. They seriously offer a Hula Hooping class. Say whaaaaat! I had no idea they had a class to teach adults how to do something 5-10 yr olds do in their backyard every summer. And to those of you who are rolling your eyes because that is so 2009 and so, like, totally "in" right now, well, your eyes are going to get stuck that way. Yep, I went there.

I digress. So I could not get the idea of going to a class for an hour a day to play with a Hula Hoop out of my head so I knew this was it. This was the jump start I needed! I paid my dues, laced up my tennies and headed to the community Hula Hoop class with water bottle in tow. I wasn't quite sure what to expect while there and to be honest I was so caught up in how surprised I was with myself for taking this class that I didn't think through actually Hula Hooping for 1 straight hour. And I know you all are DYING for a visual of how this class went so please, oh please, let me touch on that slightly.

First and foremost I was told that we were hooping in the common area at East High where High School Musical was filmed. The curiosity was killing me *sarcasm* so of course I googled it. Turns out that part is true.

See where that striped shirt girl is standing behind Zach Efron is? (googled his name too)
That's where I hula'd... I mean hooped for an hour.

The teacher arrives and asks a few of us to come help her bring the hoops. I volunteered and as I walked back inside with 15+ Hula Hoops the realization that I had no idea what we could possibly be doing for an hour with these things sets in. Oh was I in store for a treat. This post could get very long with the details of this class so lets just go over the highlights:

1. The Pro's (and the cool kids) call this sport "Hooping"

2. Teacher begins class by offering to let us purchase her home made Hula Hoops that she guarantees. However, in her words, "if they start to leak or come undone, just duct tape them." No I'm not kidding.

3. We then were each given a hula hoop and a strip of duct tape to secure the hoops. Again, not kidding.

4. There was little structure to the class other than the warm up and cool down which consisted of holding each side of the hoop rotating your body around in various ways. Having structure or not didn't seem to really matter. We all laughed at each other the ENTIRE hour.

5. Teacher would show us things that we are going to learn over the course of 6 weeks then we would all spend 5-10 minutes doing those things most of which 1-8 people would master or semi master..... sooooo does this mean we will learn anything next week?

6. The 65 yr old lady in class is a Hooping PRO! I would creepily watch her to try and learn her tricks, but I could not figure them out. She has mad skills yo!

7. I figured out how to do a pirouette while hooping, however, I could not walk while hooping let alone go up and down stairs while that little tube rotates around my body. The 10 year old could go up and down stairs. I'm gonna hoop that little girl to shame next week! How dare she show me up. I kid! Sorta.

8. I now have a continual bruise around my waist that is painful when wearing pants. I only wear pants.

9. Next week we are supposed to bring weights, a mat and, a ball???

10. I did not buy teacher's homemade hoop. I don't have any duct tape currently.

Ok I know there is a lot of kidding up there ^ but I am really excited for this class and the teacher is really talented at this hooping thing. She hooped on one foot, walked up and down stairs, did shuffle side steps, spun... BOTH ways, hooped her way down to a kneeling position, and many more impressive acts all while hooping! This was the jump start I also needed to get excited about breaking a sweat on a more consistent basis. The thought of running in place on the treadmill as my only form of working out right now really was stressing me out! A little Hula Hooping is going to add that enjoyment back into my working out.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Running is Relaxing?

I was trying to explain this to my husband tonight that for me running, and basically any workout I choose in the morning before the fam is awake, is relaxing to me. It's a activity that I love and without it in my life something is missing. We did P90x at the beginning of last year, and just started again today. But this time I'll be doing things a little different and make sure to get at least 3 extra early morning cardio workouts a week. Last year as we were doing P90x I kept feeling really unsettled despite keeping to the schedule pretty well. I finally realized it was because I was missing 'MY' running time that I love and need for my mental sanity. I use that time in the morning during my workout to recharge and then I'm ready to face the day ahead. Without it, I am grumpy. So yes. To me, Running is relaxing. :)