I have been struggling lately with my sugar intake. Especially with the Holidays and pluthera of sweets available around every corner. Over the weekend I was fed up and really building my resolve to break the cycle, and got this Motivation and Challenge email from Coach Keena, through the Tri Timp Club emailing group. Perfect timing! I hope that she doesn't mind that I share as I'm so inspired and motivated by her words. It's long, but soooooo worth the read!_____________________
AND...oh...how well this is timed!
You know that white stuff that is so addictive? Messed up millions of
people's health, addicted them to it like nothing else?
Money being spent like crazy to keep people happy and get their next fix?
Yep. You know it. Just can't give the stuff up!
It causes more illness and degeneration on the planet than all other
illicit recreational drugs...combined!
And...it's not even a drug! You can buy it in 100 lb. bags if you want.
And...it's pretty cheap! So...we don't even have to sell our children and
take to the streets to keep us in the good stuff.
Today I am going to remind you of why you WANT to avoid sugar and get you
motivated to make a few small changes to improve your health...and maybe
even NOT gain weight during the holidays!
Don't stop reading! I promise I'm not going to tell you to never eat sugar
I am just going to go over a few FACTS about sugar and then make a little,
itsy, bitsy challenge in regards to your consumption of the stuff.
Here's how the SUGAR ADDICTION cycle works in SEVEN basic steps:
1. You eat refined sugar (and processed foods containing refined sugar)
2. The isolated sugar rapidly enters your bloodstream
3. Your blood sugar rises quickly
4. This sudden rise signals the pancreas to release insulin
5. Your blood sugar drops below its original level
6. The low blood sugar causes tiredness, a loss of energy, and hunger!
7. You crave more sugar!
If you keep eating refined sugar, this cycle keeps getting repeated over
and over again! Your body starts gaining FAT(cause that's how sugar is stored
in your body), you struggle with neurological abnormalities like
depression,mood swings, ADHD, and a LACK OF MOTIVATION and then you eat more sugar to
try and get yourself feeling better...which begins the cycle all over
again! YUCK!
Did you know that the estimated national average of sugar consumption *per
person* is 150 POUNDS? That's a heck of a lot of sugar!
That's a heck of a lot of weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
obesity, depression, immune system weakness, arthritis and general
suckiness of quality of life! (How's that for straight up bad?)
But...we LOVE sugar! We LOVE the way it tastes! We LOVE eating the
treats,sweets and other good tasting stuff that it goes into!
So...what do we do??
HOW can we overcome our addiction and dependance on the stuff?
*#1:* *REALIZE *just how harmful sugar is to our bodies and how addicted we really are!
*#2:* *ACKNOWLEDGE* just HOW MUCH we really are eating refined sugars.
Most people don't even realize just how much refined sugar they take in
every day!
*#3:* *CLEAN OUT *our pantries, kitchens, desk drawers, cars, and
other locations in our life that might surround us with refined sugar! If
we are surrounded by sugar every day all day....it's gonna wear us down and
we will eat it!
*#4:* *REPLACE* your sugary staples with healthy staples that will
help keep your blood sugars level and your body healthy and happy! Fruits,
veggies, protein, nuts, whole foods! That's what our bodies want!
#5: *MANAGE* your cravings by eating 5-6 small meals, consisting of
PROTEIN and complex carbs, every day! Protein is the enemy of sugar
cravings! Be persistent and patient and you can do it!
*#5*: *MOTIVATE* yourself to keep working on eating healthier foods by
setting GOALS that will keep you focused on what you really want to
accomplish such as:
*Lose weight...especially FAT!
*Have more energy...long term and consistently!
*Look and FEEL better!
*Be more competitive as an athlete!
*Boost your immune system so you don't get as many colds, flues,
*Overcome issues such as depression, mood swings and Lack of
*Pick an event or race that you want to succeed in and every time
you crave sugar...focus on how well you want to do at that event. Sugar
will NOT help you reach that goal!
Is getting rid of or minimizing your intake of refined sugar going to be
Is it going to be a challenge EVERY DAY and sometimes EVERY HOUR?
Will it get easier?
Can you DO IT?
I want you to be AWARE of how much sugar you are taking in at this time of
year....and just make the effort to MINIMIZE the amount you are eating
right now.
Replace a cookie with an apple. When going to a party, eat something
healthy before you go...then decide in advance that you will have just ONE
of the awesome desserts...and enjoy it and be done.
When at home and you are feeling tempted by the plate of goodies on your
counter, first eat your favorite fruit or veggie or have a small protein
smoothie...then if you MUST...have just ONE treat...then walk away and be
proud of yourself!
I PROMISE you will NOT look back on the Holiday Season come January and
regret NOT eating all those treats! I PROMISE!
But, I can pretty much guarantee that come January you WILL look back on
the season with regret if you DO eat everything and anything that looks good
right at that moment and don't control your sugar intake!
If you can begin to manage it now...come the New Year...when you are really
ready to commit to making better choices...you will have already been
trying to do better and you will reap the benefits!
You can do this! It is worth it! You will feel so great in so many ways
by committing to MINIMIZE and CONTROL your sugar intake during this Holiday
I know you can do it!
Happy Healthy Holidays!!
This is so true!! I've experienced the highs and lows of sugar intake way more than I'd like to admit and am so sick of feeling that way. Doesn't that feeling give you the resolve to be a little better this holiday season with making some healthy substitutions and being very selective about the sweets that you eat? It sure does for me!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas Season!
You can subscribe to the Tri Timp Club by going here and following the instructions sign up for the mailing list. There are a lot of emails that circulate about various workout opportunities, events, and other misc. emails but I really enjoy getting that in my inbox for extra motivation to get out there myself. Plus you get the motivation and challenges from Coach Keena, which I love!
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